Browsing by Advisor Inácio, Pedro Leite

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Showing results 72 to 90 of 90 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2016Pedagogical case study: strategic methodologies to be used by decision makers: TAP portugalFalcato, Miguel dos PrazeresMaster ThesisOpen Access
2011Performance analysis of Portuguese equity mutual funds: Indexing vs active portfolio managementRibeiro, Alexandra João SantanaMaster ThesisOpen Access
2012Plano de negócio: cantinho das brincadeirasTeixeira, Filipa Alexandra MeloMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2013Plano de negócios: Green ResortMartins, Ricardo Manuel PereiraMaster ThesisOpen Access
2011O Regulamento (CE) n.º 1060/2009 e os problemas das notações de risco: o caso particular da dívida soberanaDiniz, AnaMaster ThesisOpen Access
2011Sistema de investimento TranquilRosário, Pedro Cardeano Bessa Arrais doMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2014Technical analysis: Wisdom or wizardryMonteiro, Jorge David da CostaMaster ThesisOpen Access
2009Testing information efficiency in the Portuguese stock marketCorreia, Ricardo Emanuel SarmentoMaster ThesisOpen Access
19-Nov-2019The IPO of Flexdeal, SIMFE, SAMaria, Tânia Isabel da ConceiçãoMaster ThesisOpen Access
3-Oct-2023The link between absorptive capacity and IT firm performance in PortugalMata, Mário Nuno Neves da SilvaDoctoral ThesisEmbargoed Access
13-Dec-2018The new wave of mergers and acquisitions in the automotive industryDiogo, Pedro Miguel MarceloMaster ThesisOpen Access
9-Mar-2012UPAJE: desafios para o futuroFernandes, Pedro Jorge do Carmo Francisco MorgadoMaster ThesisOpen Access
2012Valuation case: future perspectives in the utility sector - valuation case of RWE AG with regard to the upcoming exit of nuclear power plants in GermanyFritzsche, MatthiasMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2017Valuation of Apple Inc.Yiran, MengMaster ThesisOpen Access
12-Dec-2019Valuation of Volkswagen AGGonçalves, Ricardo Emanuel MagalhãesMaster ThesisOpen Access
2015Valuation: Facebook case studyMousinho, Diogo Afonso da CostaMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2015Valuation: Microsoft Corporation case studyMiguel, Inês RodriguesMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2014Value investing and financial statement analysisMagalhães, Mauro Miguel CortesMaster ThesisOpen Access
2011Vivo´s ValuationSilva, Tiago Alexandre AdãoMaster ThesisRestricted Access