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Mostrar resultados 13310-13329 de 30822. < anterior   próximo >
2023How have Europe’s outermost regions dealt with the economic and social consequences of the COVID‐19 crisis? Effects, policies and recommendationsBourdin, S.; Cottereau, V.; Hermet, F.; Jean‐Pierre, P.; Medeiros, E.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
9-Dez-2021How health knowledge that can influence patient outcomeMartins, Nuno Filipe SaraivaDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2023How human resource managers can prevent perceived pandemic threats from escalating into diminished change-oriented voluntarismDe Clercq, D.; Pereira, R.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
14-Dez-2020How identity and role influence russian foreign policy behavior in the Middle East: a focus on the israeli-palestinian conflictDangl, BernadetteDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2022How impactful are public policies on environmental sustainability? Debating the Portuguese case of PO SEUR 2014–2020Medeiros, E.; Valente, B.; Gonçalves, V.; Castro, P.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
17-Dez-2019How influencers affect purchase intentions towards endorsed products: the role of influencers’ match-up with the brand, payment and credibilityLu ManranDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2020How influencers and digital interaction can impact customer-brand relationship and engagementBilro, R. G.; Loureiro, S. M. C.; Guerreiro, J.; Raposo, D.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
5-Mar-2009How informative are credit impairment disclosures?Cláudio, Hugo Jorge GonçalvesDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2023How intentional are the employability strategies of higher education institutions?Sgobbi, FrancescaWorking PaperAcesso Aberto
2019How international nonprofit organizations can use Facebook to build relationships with potential donors and volunteersMarques, S. H.; Vaughn, K.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2015How international nonprofit organizations can use Facebook to build relationships with potential donors and volunteersVaughan, KalenDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
2023How involvement in COVID-19-related work changed nurses' job demands, job resources, and their associations with burnout: Evidence from ChinaWang, X.; Ma, S.; Liao, W.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
29-Dez-2020How is CSR incorporated into a firm's strategy: the pedagogical case study of HenkelFonseca, Maria do Mar Santos Matos DavidDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
28-Jan-2021How is gentrification lived: a psycho-social study of the experience of gentrification in LisbonRibeiro, Robyn LeaDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2018How is the accounting academy playing the publication game? Type of authorship and international diversity and networksLourenço, I. C.; Branco, M. C.; Azevedo, R.; Oliveira, J.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2022How is the life without unicorns? A within-individual study on the relationship between uncertainty and mental health indicators: The moderating role of neuroticismJunça-Silva, A.; Silva, D.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2020How IT governance can assist IoT project implementationHenriques, D.; Pereira, R.; Bianchi, I. S.; Almeida, R.; Silva, M. M. da.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2022How job characteristics influence healthcare workers’ happiness: A serial mediation path based on autonomous motivation and adaptive performanceJunça Silva, A.; Menino, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024How knowledge-based dynamic capabilities relate to firm performance: The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientationHernández-Linares, R.; López-Fernández, M. C.; García-Piqueres, G.; Pina e Cunha, M.; Rego, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
30-Nov-2023How leaders influence organizational performance: The mediation role of contextual ambidexterity and organizational identityMarcos, Júlia Di Martino Serafim AfonsoDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito