Browsing by Advisor Rosa, Álvaro

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Showing results 27 to 46 of 59 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
29-Nov-2018Internationalization of a SME: Multivision, LdaRodrigues, Ana Sofia da SilvaMaster ThesisOpen Access
20-Dec-2022Liderança humilde e satisfação no trabalhoPereira, Maria Débora CâmaraMaster ThesisRestricted Access
16-Oct-2020Luxury brands and e-commerce "take advantage of the digital era": a research on consumer insight and attitudes on online sale f luxury godsForsans, CharlotteMaster ThesisOpen Access
2014Macao as a brand: Can city branding change Macao’s image perceptions?Carvalho, Marta FevereiroMaster ThesisOpen Access
2010Mergers and acquisition failure the Magna-Opel SagaCardoso, Hugo BarretoMaster ThesisRestricted Access
11-Nov-2016Migração de serviços de empresas estrangeiras para Portugal: o caso do BNP ParibasVilaça, Sónia Marisa NunesMaster ThesisRestricted Access
10-Nov-2022Network service quality management of MC Operator: A SERVQUAL perspectiveZhang SichiDoctoral ThesisRestricted Access
26-Jul-2023Organic and inorganic growth: A multiple case study analysis in the midsize ICT sectorFonseca, Francisco Guilherme Baptista Marques daDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
2010Previsão dos tempos do Grande Prémio do Mónaco: Relações de causalidade entre treino e corrida: Abordagem à metodologia VARGomes, Ricardo Alexandre SaraivaMaster ThesisRestricted Access
25-May-2021O que faz mover o empreendedorismo sénior: processo e fatores de influênciaGomes, Isabel Cristina Costa de AlmeidaDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
2009Research of internal control of Chinese enterprises based on Sarbanes-Oxley ActMa, JunMaster ThesisOpen Access
2016Research on evolution process of EMFs’ international expansion strategyJI, ChengxuDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
2012Resource dependence of China’s economic growth and its challengesLin, LiDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
2009Responsabilidade social corporativa como factor de vantagem competitiva e do desenvolvimento sustentávelSilva, Lourenço Dias Almeida daDoctoral ThesisRestricted Access
2012Responsabilidade social das empresas na perspetiva do stakeholder trabalhador: o caso dos CTTPina, Maria da Luz Galvão AntunesMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2016Strategy for a portuguese wine in China: the case-study of Couteiro-morAnselmo, Cátia Alexandra Arez de SousaMaster ThesisRestricted Access
29-Mar-2021Success determinants of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)Campino, José Pedro MeiraDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
27-Jul-2017Supply base structure and company performanceQiao ShipingDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
2016Supply chain operation strategies and risk management with working capital consideration: A case study of the supply chain of lightning protection products in ChinaChen, JianxiongDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
2012A survey on customer satisfaction of a chinese language newspaper in PortugalXu, QiaoMaster ThesisOpen Access