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Mostrar resultados 94-113 de 281. < anterior   próximo >
28-Nov-2020Impacts of institutional change on industrial economy: a China's automobile industry perspectiveLi GangTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
28-Out-2019Improvement of incentive mechanisms for medical service supplyLi YiqiangTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
2015Improvement of outpatient service processes based on BRP theory and information technology: a case study of the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen HospitalChen, JinsongTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
2014Indian economic growth: Myth or reality a study based on concept of enthalpyBanerjee, Kedar NathTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
16-Mai-2022Industrial maintenance service quality evaluation and improvement strategies: A case study of a corporationZhang BaiheTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
20-Nov-2018Industrial transformation and upgrade model of local industrial clusters: the case of Zhongshan city, ChinaPei JingTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
19-Jul-2023Influence mechanisms of professional managers in family business successionLi YingTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
27-Nov-2020Influence of Guanxi HRM practices on turnover intention of Chinese millennials in state own ed banks: the roles of leader member exchange, organizational identification and traditionalityJin JingTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
6-Jan-2017Influence of physician-patient communication skills training of resident physicians on physician-patient relationshipShen JianTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
14-Dez-2021Influencing factors of employee innovation and satisfaction in fast growing medical and internet service companiesTang XiangjunTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
12-Jul-2023Influencing factors of entrepreneurial intentions of college students: An empirical study in Zhejiang province, ChinaZhang WeierTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
2012Influencing mechanisms of institutional changes on the organizational culture of SOEs in China: The case of Dongfang Turbine Co., LtdYong, YangTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
2016Information transmission efficiency between housing and land markets: An empirical study in ChinaLan, ZhengqiuTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
2015Innovation strategies of the herbal tea industry in GuangdongXuetao, PengTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
14-Nov-2019Innovation, agile project management and firm performance: empirical evidence from high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises in ChinaJu XianguiTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
19-Mai-2022Institutional innovation of the "Agricultural Co Operation System": An examination of Chongzhou, ChinaZhao HaoyuTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
2013Integration and construction of organizational culture: A case study on a restructured hospital in ChinaWu WeiTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
28-Jul-2022A internacionalização de empresas na perspetiva da diplomacia económicaCastela, Tiago Pereira LeiteTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
19-Nov-2018"Internet Plus" medical services based on total quality management theory: an empirical research in public hospital outpatient services in Guangzhou, ChinaHuang YingfengTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
2015Introducing change at the Hong Kong University-Shenzhen Hospital: an empirical studyXiaoping, XuTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito