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2012Bank failures in europe during the financial crisisAlves, Marta Isabel GuerraDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
30-Dez-2020CEOs’ compensation in the global systemically important banksAndrade, Sara MoreiraDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
10-Jul-2023Determinants of loan spread in project finance: An empirical study of geographic diversification of bank syndicatesFonseca, João Pedro GamboiaDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
24-Nov-2023ESG and bank valuations: Evidence from Europe, Japan, and the United StatesBourdin, Nicolas Marc PierreDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2009Essays on credit risk management for firmsLopes, Samuel José da RochaTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
2011Essays on cross-border bankingPinheiro, Carlos Manuel da Silva PachecoTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
2010Executive compensation in bankingGuerra, Joana MachadoDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
16-Jul-2010Finanças Islâmicas: Estruturação de produtos de investimento: Caso comparativo de um fundo de investimento imobiliárioSafara, JoãoDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
5-Abr-2021Management incentives and corporate strategies of banksRazul, AlbertoTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
2011Strategic growth option under the threat of Cournot, Bertrand and Stackelberg competitionPicareta, Vanessa Andreia da SilvaDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
4-Jul-2011The determinants of capital structure: the case of European firmsSilva, Carolina Maria Borges Branco daDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2007The impact of foreign owership and board membership on the performance of domestic banks: evidence from PortugalGuerreiro, Luís Miguel PiresDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2010The influence of insider ownership on the market value, performance and risk of banks around the worldSousa, Rui Jorge da Luz Trindade deDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
12-Dez-2023The role of investment banks in creating/destroying value in IPOs: The case of Porsche AGDelmas, Paul Rémi PierreDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
2011What factors determine the leverage ratio of subsidiaries of multinational banks?Lavrador, Isabel Maria MonteiroDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
2010Why standard risk models failed in the subprime crisis? An approach based on Extreme Value Theory as a measure to quantify market risk of equity securities and portfoliosMarques, Áurea PonteDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto