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Registos da Coleção (Ordenados por Data de depósito em ordem descendente): 101-120 de um total de 1113
2024Designing vocational training policies in an outermost European region: Highlights from a participatory processBettencourt, L.; Simões, F.; Fernandes, B.; Fonseca, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2021Opposition to immigration and (anti-)environmentalism: An application and extension of the social dominance-environmentalism nexus with 21 countries in EuropeGraça, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariationConroy-Beam, D.; Roney, J. R.; Lukaszewski, A. W.; Buss, D. M.; Asao, K.; Sorokowska, A.; Sorokowski, P.; Aavik, T.; Akello, G.; Alhabahba, M. M.; Alm, C.; Amjad, N.; Anjum, A.; Atama, C. S.; Atamtürk Duy, D.; Ayebare, R.; Batres, C.; Bendixen, M.; Bensafia, A.; Esteves, C.; Vauclair, C.- M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2021Psychological disorder diagnosis is no cure for trait inferences biasJacinto, S.; Braga. J. N.; Ferreira, M. S.; Collins, E. C.; Krendl, A. C.; Lewis, C. C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2022When fluency matters: The interplay between categorization fluency and gender atypicality on gaydar judgmentsMasi, M.; Fasoli, F.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Commensality constitutes communalism: Producing emergent bonds in experimental small groups by sharing food and drinkBrito, R.; Waldzus, S.; Schubert, T. W.; Sekerdej, M.; Louceiro, A.; Simão, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023That's interesting! The role of epistemic emotions and perceived credibility in the relation between prior beliefs and susceptibility to fake-newsRijo, A.; Waldzus, S.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
2023Sweet music influences sensory and hedonic perception of food products with varying sugar levelsGuedes, D.; Prada, M.; Lamy, E.; Garrido, M. V.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Conflict between religious/spiritual and LGB identities in Portugal: How is it related to coming out experiences, LGB identity dimensions and well-being?Fernandes, M.; Reis, E.; Moleiro, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Representing personal and common futures: Insights and new connections between the theory of social representations and the pragmatic sociology of engagementsWallace, R.; Batel, S.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Youth involvement in alcohol and drug prevention: A systematic reviewAresi, G.; Ferrari, V.; Marta, E.; Simões, F.RecensãoAcesso Aberto
2023Is it the child’s fault? Maternal attributions in child abuse and neglectCamilo, C.; Garrido, M. V.; Calheiros, M. M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023AI trust: Can explainable AI enhance warranted trust?Duarte, R.; Correia, F.; Arriaga, P.; Paiva, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Public chronic pain stigma and the role of pain type and patient gender: An experimental vignette studyVan Alboom, M.; Baert, F.; Bernardes, S. F.; Bracke, P.; Goubert, L.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
2023Multi-camera person re-identification based on trajectory dataMendes, D.; Correia, S.; Jorge, P.; Brandão, T.; Arriaga, P.; Nunes, L.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Sensing the body matters: Profiles of interoceptive sensibility in chronic pain adjustmentOliveira, I.; Garrido, M. V.; Carvalho, H.; Bernardes, S. F.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
2016Portuguese working group advocacy for intergenerational policies: Challenges and resultsGonçalves, M.; Hattton-Yeo, A.; Branco, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2016Portuguese working group advocacy for intergenerational policies: Challenges and resultsGonçalves, M.; Hattton-Yeo, A.; Branco, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023How does sensitivity influence early executive function? A critical review on hot and cool processesRamos, C.; Pereira, A. F.; Feher, A.; Baptista, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023How does sensitivity influence early executive function? A critical review on hot and cool processesRamos, C.; Pereira, A. F.; Feher, A.; Baptista, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
Registos da Coleção (Ordenados por Data de depósito em ordem descendente): 101-120 de um total de 1113