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2014Determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the EMU: an optimal currency area perspectiveConstantini, M.; Fragetta, M.; Melina, G.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2012The determinants of sovereign credit spread changes in the Euro-zoneOliveira, L.; Curto, J. D.; Nunes, J. P.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
14-Dez-2022Determinants of stakeholder’s participation: The case of Business Combinations under Common ControlMacedo, Inês Maria Veloso Teles deDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2018Determinants of sustainability reporting in medium enterprisesPaiva, I. S.; Gavancha, I. F.Parte de LivroAcesso Embargado
Out-2010Determinants of the accounting choice between alternative reporting methods for interests in jointly controlled entitiesLourenço, Isabel Costa; Curto, José DiasArtigoAcesso Aberto
2018Determinants of the classification of the share of profit or loss of equity investmentsLourenço, I.; Fernandes, S.; Branco, M. C.; Curto, J. D.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2015Determinants of the cross-border merger and acquisition from the emerging market: the case of private firms from ChinaYafei, LiDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2015Determinants of the horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade between Norway and the European UnionTrupkiewicz, MichałDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
4-Nov-2016Determinants of the level of compliance with disclosure requirements for interest in joint ventures and associates : empirical evidence on banksMoreira, Diana Isabel LeitãoDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
Mar-2018Determinants of the portuguese government bond yieldsPinho, André; Barradas, RicardoWorking PaperAcesso Aberto
2021Determinants of the Portuguese government bond yieldsPinho, A.; Barradas, R.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
4-Dez-2017Determinants of the Portuguese government bonds yieldsPinho, André Miguel dos Santos CastroDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2019Determinants of the readability and comprehensibility of risk disclosures: evidence from Portuguese listed companiesAzevedo, G. M. C.; Ferreira, A. C. S.; Martins, S. P. H.; Pinto, C. R. A. A.Parte de LivroAcesso Embargado
2015Determinants of VAT rate: evidence from 27 EU countriesMartinho, Manuel Costa Pereira SãoDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2013The determinants of venture capital across Europe: evidence across countriesFélix, E. G. S.; Pires, C. P.; Gulamhussen, M. A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2017The determinants of work autonomy and employee involvement: A multilevel analysisLopes, H.; Calapez, T.; Lopes, D.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
9-Dez-2022Determination of crop coefficient (kc) based on machine learning NDVI time series modelsDuarte, Guilherme Filipe ToméDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2020Determining factors in becoming a sustainable smart city: an empirical study in EuropeGil, M. T. N.; Carvalho, L.; Paiva, I.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2020Determining the number of components in mixture regression models: an experimental designBrochado, A.; Martins, F. V.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2012Determinism versus predictability in the context of Poincare's work on the restricted 3-body problemLaureano, M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto