Browsing by MSc and PhD Doutoramento em Ciências da Complexidade
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
17-Apr-2019 | Antifragilidade: como a adoção de redes multi-níveis pode beneficiar as organizações | Passos, Danielle Sandler dos | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
16-Feb-2022 | Communities in temporal networks: from theoretical underpinnings to real-life applications | Pereira, José Luís Loureiro Ramada | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
13-Sep-2019 | Complex networks analysis in team sports performance: multilevel hypernetworks approach to soccer matches | Ramos, João Paulo Duarte | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
29-Apr-2022 | Computational innovation studies: understanding innovation studies through novel scientometric approaches | Santos, Ana Teresa Martins Sousa | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
2015 | Mecanismos de popularidade e difusão de informação em redes sociais | Fonseca, António Jorge Filipe | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
16-Dec-2016 | On agent-based modelling of large scale conflict against a central authority: From mechanisms to complex behaviour | Lemos, Carlos Miguel Reis Silva de Oliveira e | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
2014 | Reading the news through its structure: New hybrid connectivity based approaches | Rodrigues, David Manuel de Sousa | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
17-Nov-2022 | A stochastic model of malaria transmission | Sequeira, João Fernando Araújo | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
20-Apr-2021 | Water dynamics, coherent domains and the origin of life | Marchal, Francisco Cano | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |