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Showing results 32 to 51 of 90 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2024The finance–inequality nexus in the era of financialisation: Evidence for PortugalBarradas, R.; Lakhani, R.ArticleEmbargoed Access
4-Dec-2023Financialisation of the agri-food sector in Portugal: The case of olive groves in the area served by the Alqueva multipurpose projectHogg, Timothy DanielMaster ThesisOpen Access
2022Food security among dryland pastoralists and agropastoralists: The climate, land-use change, and population dynamics nexusStavi, I.; Roque de Pinho, J.; Paschalidou, A.; Adamo, S. B.; Galvin, K. A.; Sherbinin, A. De; Even, T.; Heaviside, C.; van der Geest, K.ReviewOpen Access
2021Food system sustainability metrics: Policies, quantification, and the role of complexity sciencesMatos, J.; Lopes, R. J.ArticleOpen Access
19-Jan-2023Gamificação como potencializador do sentimento de pertencimento dos consultores de TI alocados em regime de outsourcingRibeiro, Danielson Nataniel de PinaMaster ThesisOpen Access
16-Nov-2023A gestão de conflitos em contexto de empresas familiaresBertão, Inês Pimentel AntunesMaster ThesisRestricted Access
27-Oct-2023Gestão estratégica de pessoas na atração e retenção dos TSDT de cardiopneumologia: Estudo de caso num grupo de saúde privadoRibeiro, Ana Luísa dos ReisMaster ThesisRestricted Access
10-Nov-2023Globalization and local trade in agriculture: A panel data analysis of the 27 European Union countriesAmorim, João NunesMaster ThesisOpen Access
26-Sep-2023Guidelines for the implementation of corporate mental health initiatives at Hitachi Vantara PortugalHenriques, Andreia Raquel FialhoMaster ThesisEmbargoed Access
9-Jan-2023How has religious freedom been affected by nationalism in India between 2014 and 2018? A case study in Uttar Pradesh (UP) about the menace to human rightsAmin, Md AlMaster ThesisOpen Access
2021How has the literature contributed to creating effective risk management policies in nonprofit organisations?Santos, M. R. C.; Laureano, R. M. S.ArticleOpen Access
21-Sep-2023How to revive after financial fraud is exposed: Case study of LuckinJiawei LIMaster ThesisRestricted Access
17-Dec-2022I&D Empresas: uma avaliação baseada na teoria do programaSantos, Marlon Duane Kaercher dosMaster ThesisOpen Access
11-Dec-2023O impacto da inflação no S&P 500Barroso, Beatriz Alexandra MonteiroMaster ThesisOpen Access
27-Jul-2023O impacto do desempenho desportivo e financeiro dos clubes de futebol europeus no preço das suas açõesFernandes, Luís JesusMaster ThesisRestricted Access
29-Sep-2023A importância de investimentos em desenvolvimento de líderes nas organizações: O caso da empresa SMR Automotive BrasilYamamoto, Rodrigo GalbosseraMaster ThesisRestricted Access
12-Jan-2023Innovative business plan ecologic sustainable store: DemetraCardoso, Mariana Sara de Almeida Cerdeira e FigueiredoMaster ThesisRestricted Access
20-Dec-2023Innovative business plan: An app called Find2FitViegas, Luís Rocha PessanhaMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2022Insect detection in sticky trap images of tomato crops using machine learningDomingues, T.; Brandão, T.; Ribeiro, R.; Ferreira, J.ArticleOpen Access
24-Oct-2023Inteligência artificial para o médico radiologista no Grupo Affidea PortugalSantos, João Carlos da SilvaMaster ThesisRestricted Access