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Showing results 36 to 55 of 72 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2001Judgeability in person perception: the confidence of leadersCaetano, A.; Vala, J.; Leyens, J. P.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2018O léxico das crises biográficasCaetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
1996Mapping European social psychology: co-word analysis of the communications at the 10th General Meeting of the EAESPVala, J.; Lima, M. L.; Caetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
2015A Markov chain analysis of emotional exchange in voice-to-voice communication: testing for the mimicry hypothesis of emotional contagionLopes, M.; Navarro, J.; Caetano, A.; Junça Silva, A.ArticleOpen Access
2015The mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between self-leadership and individual innovationGomes, C.; Curral, L.; Caetano, A.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2023Mindfulness fills in the blank spaces left by affective uncertainty uplifting adaptive behaviorsJunça Silva, A.; Caetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
2013Multilevel research in the field of organizational behavior: an empirical look at 10 years of theory and researchCosta, P. l.; Graça, A. M.; Marques-Quinteiro, P.; Santos, C. M.; Caetano, A.; Passos, A. M.ArticleOpen Access
2016O mundo aos nossos olhos: socialização familiar e reflexividadeCaetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
2007Não há bela sem senão. A identificação organizacional, os comportamentos de dedicação ao trabalho e o conflito trabalho-famíliaTavares, S.; Caetano, A.; Silva, S.ArticleOpen Access
2016Organizational justice across cultures: a systematic review of four decades of research and some directions for the futureSilva, M. R.; Caetano, A.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2014Organizational justice: what changes, what remains the sameSilva, M. R.; Caetano, A.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2013O papel do capital psicológico na criação de valor para as organizaçõesAntunes, A; Caetano, A.; Cunha, M. P.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2015Personal reflexivity and biography: methodological challenges and strategiesCaetano, A.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2010Práticas de gestão de recursos humanos e resultados organizacionais: estudos, controvérsias teóricas e metodológicas.Esteves, T. P.; Caetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
2024Procrastination is not only a “thief of time”, but also a thief of happiness: It buffers the beneficial effects of telework on well-beingJunça Silva, A.; Neves, P.; Caetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
2015Prototype models of opportunity recognition and the decision to launch a new venture: identifying the basic dimensionsSantos, S. C.; Caetano, A.; Baron, R.; Curral, L.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2013Prototypical dimensions of business opportunity in early stages of the entrepreneurial processCosta, S.; Santos, S. C.; Caetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
2012Psicologia organizacional e do trabalho: macro e nanodesafios atuais na pesquisa e na prática profissional.Caetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
2012Psychometric properties of a Portuguese version of the Subjective Happiness ScaleSpagnoli, P.; Caetano, A.; Junça Silva, A.ArticleOpen Access
2014Psychosocial aspects of entrepreneurial potentialSantos, S. C.; Caetano, A.; Curral, L.ArticleOpen Access