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Author(s): Andrade, M. A. P.
Simões-Marques, M. J.
Teodoro, M. F.
Editor: Christos Kitsos
Teresa A. Oliveira
Francesca Pierri
Marialuisa Restaino
Date: 2022
Title: Build efficient response techniques to catastrophes
Book title/volume: 9th International Conference on Risk Analysis, Book of Abstracts
Pages: 172 - 173
Reference: Andrade, M. A. P., Simões-Marques, M. J., & Teodoro, M. F. (2022). Build efficient response techniques to catastrophes. EM C. Kitsos, T. A. Oliveira, F. Pierri, & M. Restaino (Eds.). 9th International Conference on Risk Analysis, Book of Abstracts (pp.172-173). UNIPG.
ISBN: 978-972-674-919-6
Keywords: Disaster situation
Sistemas de apoio à decisão -- Decision support systems
Weights assigned to the experts
Abstract: Disaster situations, of natural origin or caused by man, in general, are emergency situations of great demand, both in terms of human issues and as to the spatial-geographical needs that require a quick response, whether to meet the first assessments of affected sites or to discontinue the process. The main objective of this project is to build and implement a set of auxiliary tools to different decision support systems that allow, in each process, define priorities for scaling teams, taking into account the importance of each team in action, and what should be the sequence of tasks and orders to be carried out from which the alert is given until the final action is considered. The definition of a decision support system (DSS) that introduces the possibility of redefine and adjust in real time the weights assigned to the experts involved in the solution obtained by the THEMIS - Distributed Holistic Emergency Management project Intelligent System shall be considered as an improvement. To redefine the weights, it was intended to use techniques multi-criteria, namely the multi-criteria decision analysis approach (Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis - MCDA).
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:ISTAR-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais

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