Browsing by Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Ação climática

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Showing results 83 to 102 of 323 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
27-Nov-2023A divulgação da responsabilidade social: Análise dos websites das câmaras municipais portuguesasMonteiro, Francisca LopesMaster ThesisRestricted Access
13-Nov-2023Do catastrophic events change the way climate crisis is framed in media? A qualitative content analysis before and after the flood in Germany 2021Schork, FranziskaMaster ThesisRestricted Access
19-Apr-2024Does a change in ESG rating affect the credit rating?Veiga, Maria SaraivaMaster ThesisOpen Access
19-Oct-2023Drivers and barriers to the implementation of the task force on climate-related financial disclosures: The example of EDPRealista, Rita FortesMaster ThesisOpen Access
2021Drivers of change: how the food system of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area is being shaped by activities, initiatives and citizens needs towards a sustainable transitionMarat-Mendes, T.; Isidoro, I.; Catela, J.; Pereira, M.; Borges, J. C.; Lopes, S. S.; Henriques, C.ArticleOpen Access
2023O eco-sindicalismo como contributo para a superação da crise do movimento sindicalMarques Alves, P.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2016Ecological crisis, sustainability and social worlds: developing a critical agendaBatel, S.; Adams, M.ArticleOpen Access
27-Nov-2023Economia azul como mecanismo de preservação dos ecossistemas marinhosAbreu, Bruna MarinhoMaster ThesisOpen Access
2015Economic growth and transport: on the road to sustainabilitySousa, C.; Roseta-Palma, C.; Martins, L. F.ArticleEmbargoed Access
12-Dec-2023Economic value of shrublands’ ecosystem services in mainland PortugalAung, Zin Win HtetMaster ThesisOpen Access
24-Nov-2023Educação ambiental no antropoceno, uma análise das ações escolares do projeto #PorAmorAoMar sob a perspectiva da aprendizagem socioecológicaLima, Claudia Fernandes deMaster ThesisOpen Access
2019Education for sustainable development and climate change education: the potential of social network analysis based on twitter dataGoritz, A.; Kolleck, N.; Jörgens, H.ArticleOpen Access
21-Dec-2022Os efeitos da transmissão de estabelecimento nos contratos de trabalhoVargas, Ana Cristina ParraMaster ThesisOpen Access
2020Effective non-invasive runway monitoring system development using dual sensor devicesSharma, R.; Moreira, F.; Saragoça, G.; Ferreira, J.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021The effectiveness of environmental taxes in reducing CO2 emissions in passenger vehicles: The case of Mediterranean countriesMeireles, M.; Alves, M. R.; Magueta, D.ArticleOpen Access
2019Energy environmental impact of functional units of a university buildingForte, J. P. P.; Rato, V.Conference ObjectOpen Access
10-Nov-2023Enhancing cost efficiency and sustainability in the supply chain of modular construction: Designing a data-driven solutionSousa, Eduardo Luís MotaMaster ThesisEmbargoed Access
2019Environmental and social impacts of infrastructure development in East AfricaRoque de Pinho, J.Conference ObjectOpen Access
20-Dec-2023Environmental sustainability in football clubs' strategy: The perception of Sporting Clube de Portugal's fansCarvalho, Joana do Vale Viegas SilvaMaster ThesisOpen Access
2017Environmental sustainability measurement in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index: an empirical analysis of its reliabilityDias, J. G.ArticleEmbargoed Access