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Mostrar resultados 4-11 de 11. < anterior 
18-Abr-2024Marketing plan for a pet shop in ShanghaiLi TingDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
7-Nov-2022Open innovation development of private colleges in ChinaYao YiyongTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
9-Out-2023Plan to improve the customer relationship management of the cosmetics Company ZWen JiangDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
11-Jun-2024Porter's model in the digital background: Building competitive advantage in sports marketingFu ZixiuDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
19-Out-2023Taking advantage of advergames' features for advertising effectiveness: Focus on consumer engagement in mobile eraZhang XiucaiTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
11-Jun-2024The application of artificial intelligence in recruitmentCao QianyuDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
19-Out-2023The strategic levers European professional football clubs may implement to develop their businessMartin, Gauthier MichelDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
10-Nov-2022University graduates' employability: Bringing entrepreneurial intention into the equationLi MengtingTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto