Browsing by Author Pereira, C.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2021Adolescents who stay, parents who migrate: gender inequalities, resilience and coping strategies in TajikistanNazridod, S.; Pereira, C.; Guerreiro, M. D.ArticleOpen Access
2012Bullying homofóbico no contexto escolar em PortugalAntónio, R.; Pinto, T.; Pereira, C.; Farcas, D.; Moleiro, C.ArticleOpen Access
2017Comfortable experiences in nature accommodation: perceived service quality in GlampingBrochado, A.; Pereira, C.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2014A cor da pele e as castas de Goa, antes e depois de o último olhar de Manú Miranda, de Orlando da CostaPereira, C.Book ChapterOpen Access
2019Dance as world of senses, socio-cosmic order and mobility. Case study of Catholic women in Goa, IndiaPereira, C.Book ChapterOpen Access
2010As danças e as canções dos gaudde católicos de Goa: O testemunho da resistência invisível ao colonialismo Português através da sua tradição oral, agora folclorizadaPereira, C.OtherRestricted Access
2015The decision of out-of-home placement in residential care after parental neglect: empirically testing a psychosocial modelRodrigues, L.; Calheiros, M. M.; Pereira, C.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2020A emigração portuguesa no século XXIPires, R. P.; Pereira, C.; Azevedo, J.; Vidigal, I.; Veiga, C. M.ArticleOpen Access
2019The fourth wave of Portuguese emigration: Austerity policies, European peripheries and postcolonial continuitiesPereira, C.; Azevedo, J.Book ChapterOpen Access
2003Os Gauddé de Goa: Contestação estatuáriaPereira, C.; Gonçalves, I.OtherRestricted Access
2022How fair is economic inequality? Belief in a just world and the legitimation of economic disparities in 27 European countriesGarcía-Sánchez, E.; Correia, I.; Pereira, C.; Willis, G. B.; Rodríguez-Bailón, R.; Vala, J.ArticleOpen Access
2023How to measure banking regulation and supervisionPereira, C.; Ramalho, J. J. S.; Silva, J. V.ArticleOpen Access
2021‘If you don't migrate, you're a nobody’: Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers in PortugalPereira, C.; Pereira, A.; Budal, A.; Dahal, S.; Daniel-Wrabetz, J.; Meshelemiah, J.; Carvalho, J.; Ramos, M.; Carmo, R. M.; Pires, R. P.ArticleOpen Access
2023ImigraçãoPires, R. P.; Pereira, C.; Ortiz, A.Book ChapterOpen Access
2017Introduction: representations of India at home and abroadPereira, C.; Lourenço, I.; Cachado, R.ArticleOpen Access
2021IntroduçãoPereira, C.; Malheiros, J. M.; Peixoto, J.Book ChapterOpen Access
2008Justice in our world and in that of others: belief in a just world and reactions to victimsAguiar, P.; Vala, J.; Correia, I.; Pereira, C.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2018Labour market policy thematic review 2018: an in-depth analysis of the emigration of skilled labour, PortugalPires, R. P.; Pereira, C.; Azevedo, J.OtherOpen Access
2014Me encantan las patatas fritas, las como y (también) las odio: el papel de la ambivalencia y de las claves contextuales en el comportamiento alimentario basado en la actitudBatista, M. T.; Lima, M. L.; Pereira, C.; Alves, H.ArticleOpen Access
2018Migrações, qualificações e desigualdade socialPires, R.; Pereira, C.Book ChapterOpen Access