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Mostrar resultados 19696-19715 de 30828. < anterior   próximo >
2024On the performance of partial LIS for 6G systemsSilva, M. M. da.; Gashtasbi, A.; Dinis, R.; Pembele, G.; Correia, A.; Guerreiro, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
22-Nov-2021On the performance persistence of European offshore mutual fundsAlves, Diogo Miguel MoçoDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
2013On the predictability of realized volatility using feasible GLSBentes, S.; Menezes, R.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
28-Mai-2020On the preference for form and abstract architecture spaces with distinct geometric characteristicsCarreiro, Miguel Baptista TavaresTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
18-Jun-2013On the Price of German Treasury BillsLeão, E.; Lagoa, S.Working PaperAcesso Aberto
2020On the relation between financial reporting quality and country attributes: research challenges and opportunitiesIsidro, H.; Nanda, D. J.; Wysocki, P.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
2012On the relation between spontaneous trait inferences and intentional inferences: An inference monitoring hypothesisFerreira, M. B.; Garcia-Marques, L.; Hamilton, D. L.; Ramos, T.; Uleman, J. S.; Jerónimo, R.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
12-Out-2023On the relationship between personality traits of private entrepreneurs and innovation performance of businesses A case study of TianjinLi BotianTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Restrito
2024On the road to proactive vulnerability analysis and mitigation leveraged by Software Defined Networks: A systematic reviewPolónio, J.; Moura, J.; Marinheiro, R. N.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
28-Jul-2020On the road to the world’s most powerful eSports brand: A case study of ESL gamingKirchfeld, Carolin KatharinaDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
22-Ago-2012«On the Road: individual, Society and the State in the Appropriation of Public SpaceAfonso, Ana Isabel; Ramos, Manuel JoãoObjecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2017On the role of stigmergy in cognitionCorreia, L.; Sebastião, A. M.; Santana, P.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2012On the split between the ‘science’ and the ‘art’ of political economy: nineteenth century controversiesCarvalho, L. F.Working PaperAcesso Aberto
2021On the stability of a quadratic functional equation over non-Archimedean spacesBettencourt, G. H.; Mendes, S.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2015On the use of a multiple view interactive environment for MATLAB and octave program comprehensionLessa, I. M.; Carneiro, G.; Monteiro, M. P.; Brito e Abreu, F.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2011On the use of discounted cash flow method on the customer valuationPortela, S.; Menezes, R.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019On the use of haptic tablets for UGV teleoperation in unstructured environments: system design and evaluationLuz, R.; Corujeira, J.; Grisoni, L.; Giraud, F.; Silva, J. L.; Ventura, R.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2016On the use of the Gaussian approach for the performance evaluation of direct-detection OFDM receivers impaired by in-band crosstalkRebola, J. L.; Cartaxo, A. V. T.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2020On the use of the MOORA method in the selection of investment projectsFilipe, J.; Caleiro, A.Parte de LivroAcesso Aberto
2017On the use of the quality function deployment matrix for flexible and quantitative prioritizationDomingos, A. S.; Silva, J. C. M.; Pereira, J. A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto