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Author(s): Serrão, C.
Carvalho, H.
Carvalho, N.
Date: 2014
Title: Crowdsourcing as a way to improve coastline conditions sharing
Volume: 5
Number: 3-4
Pages: 878 - 886
ISSN: 2040-2570
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.20533/ijds.2040.2570.2014.0112
Abstract: Currently, a large number of coastline activities (sports and leisure) exist and host a large number of supporters (growing daily). The number of commercial organizations, such as sport initiation and improving schools that explore such type of activities are also increasing. These kinds of costline activities are dependent of a set of perfect conditions (mostly sun, wind and waves) that affect the type of activity – mostly sportive – that can be conducted (surf, windsurf, paddle, kite surfing, canoeing, paragliding and others) on a given location at a specific time. This article presents and describes a software-based platform – SiUinde - that was developed to capture the power of a large community of interest in the reporting and sharing of coastline conditions, using a smartphone or tablet, and allowing other community users to have an in-depth and timely overview of the best places to enjoy their activities. This crowdsourcing platform uses collaborative intelligence to provide end-users the best possible recommendations for their preferred coastline activities.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:ISTAR-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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