ISTAR-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica : [513] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 513
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2024Performance in digital transformation: Focus group insightsGeada, N.; Alturas, B.ArticleOpen Access
2025Users' satisfaction evaluation based on ISO standards for tourism and travel mobile applicationsAlmeida, C.; Alturas, B.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2024Digitalization and international digital marketing: A review and research agendaSilva, A.; Lourenço, C.; Leitão, L.; Marques, R.; Proença, M.; Meneses, F.ArticleOpen Access
2024The role of the social network in the study of adherence to diabetic retinopathy screening programsPereira, A. P.; Afonso, A.; Laureano, R. M. S.; Neto, F. B. de L.ArticleOpen Access
2025Mining population opinion about local policeMatos, K.; Ribeiro, R.; Ferreira, J. C.ArticleOpen Access
2024El diseño arquitectónico bioinspirado: Un lenguaje holístico con respuestas sostenibles y resilientesCouceiro, M. C.; Oliveira, C. V. de.; Manaia, M. R.ArticleOpen Access
2025Exploring the applications of artificial intelligence in marketing: A topic modelling analysisRita, P.; Omran, W.; Ramos, R. F.; Costa, T.ArticleOpen Access
2024Synchronization and detection in molecular communication using a deep-learning-based approachCasaleiro, D.; Souto, N. M. B.; Silva, J. C.ArticleOpen Access
2025Investigation and optimization of StringDeduplication with custom heuristic in different versions of the JVMNoetzold, D.; Rossetto, A. G. de M.; Barbosa, J. L. V.; Leithardt, V. R. Q.ArticleOpen Access
2024Bridging the gap in customised housing design: Integrating a graphic user interface for user collaborationRaposo, M.; Eloy, S.; Dias, M. S.ArticleOpen Access
2025Intelligent platform for automating vulnerability detection in web applicationsMoreira, D.; Seara, J. P.; Pavia, J. P.; Serrão, C.ArticleOpen Access
2010M|G|∞ system transient behavior with time origin at the beginning of a busy period mean and varianceFerreira, M. A. M.; Andrade, M. A. P.ArticleOpen Access
2023AI-driven decision support for early detection of cardiac events: Unveiling patterns and predicting myocardial ischemiaElvas, L. B.; Nunes, M.; Ferreira, J. C.; Dias, M. S.; Rosário, L. B.ArticleOpen Access
2024AR smart glasses: The feeling of groundedness mediator effectQuintal, S.; Ramos, R. F.; Rita, P.; Oliveira, P.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2024The perception of mayors of the Douro Demarcated Region about tourism developmentPinto, D. M.; Pina, H.; Samora-Arvela, A.; Barreiros, J. P.ArticleOpen Access
2024Gamification system for eco-driving: Enhancing driver motivation and fuel savings through game mechanicsCale, D.; Franco, A.; Ferreira, J. C.; Rocha, J.ArticleOpen Access
2024Service quality in spectator sports: A review and research agendaBiscaia, R.; Ramos, R. F.; Yoshida, M.; Kim, Y.ArticleOpen Access
2024A comprehensive review on automatic hate speech detection in the age of the transformerRamos, G.; Batista, F.; Ribeiro, R.; Fialho, P.; Moro, S.; Fonseca, A.; Guerra, R.; Carvalho, P.; Marques, C.; Silva, C.ArticleOpen Access
2024From Anosov Closing Lemma to global data of cohomological natureLaureano, R. D.ArticleOpen Access
2024Establishment of a smart building assessment framework in the context of smart citiesDomingos, L.; Sousa, M. J.; Resende, R.; Miranda, B. P.; Rego, S.; Ferreira, R.ArticleOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 513