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Author(s): Brochado, A.
Marques, S.
Mendes, P.
Date: 2015
Title: Psychographic determinants of private-label adoption: a feasibility study in the Portuguese yogurt market
Volume: 11
Number: 1
Pages: 136 - 145
ISSN: 2182-8458
Keywords: Private labels
Tobit regression
Abstract: This study seeks to point out the main psychographic determinants of private-label brand proneness in a specific industry: the Portuguese yogurt market. This is a booming industry for store brands in Portugal, which account for nearly half of the total market share. An in-depth interview was held with a sales and marketing expert of the leading yogurt company in Portugal. Next, we conducted a survey targeting consumers of yogurt. Based on the results of a Tobit regression, we conclude that consumers base their decisions about private label versus national brands on three different types of variables: price-related variables, quality-related variables and variables related to involvement with the product category. Managerial implications are also discussed.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:BRU-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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