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Author(s): Dorigo, M.
Floreano, D.
Gambardella, L. M.
Mondada, F.
Nolfi, S.
Baaboura, T.
Birattari, M.
Bonani, M.
Brambilla, M.
Brutschy, A.
Burnier, D.
Campo, A.
Christensen, Anders Lyhne
Decugnière, A.
Di Caro, G.
Ducatelle, F.
Ferrante, E.
Förster, A.
Guzzi, J.
Longchamp, V.
Magnenat, S.
Gonzales, J. M.
Mathews, N.
Oca, M. M. de
O'Grady, R.
Pinciroli, C.
Pini, G.
Rétornaz, P.
Roberts, J.
Sperati, V.
Stirling, T.
Stranieri, A.
Stützle, T.
Trianni, V.
Tuci, E.
Turgut, A. E.
Vaussard, F.
Date: 2013
Title: Swarmanoid: A novel concept for the study of heterogeneous robotic swarms
Volume: 20
Number: 4
Pages: 60-71
ISSN: 1070-9932
Keywords: Robotics
Abstract: Swarm robotics systems are characterized by decentralized control, limited communication between robots, use of local information, and emergence of global behavior. Such systems have shown their potential for flexibility and robustness [1]-[3]. However, existing swarm robotics systems are by and large still limited to displaying simple proof-of-concept behaviors under laboratory conditions. It is our contention that one of the factors holding back swarm robotics research is the almost universal insistence on homogeneous system components. We believe that swarm robotics designers must embrace heterogeneity if they ever want swarm robotics systems to approach the complexity required of real-world systems.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Embargoed Access
Appears in Collections:CTI-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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