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Author(s): Giessner, Steffen R.
Ryan, Michelle K. R
Schubert, Thomas W.
van Quaquebeke, Niels
Date: 2011
Title: The power of pictures: vertical picture angles in power pictures
Volume: 14
Number: 4
Pages: 442-464
ISSN: 1521-3269
Abstract: Conventional wisdom suggests that variations in vertical picture angle cause the subject to appear more powerful when depicted from below and less powerful when depicted from above. However, do the media actually use such associations to represent individual differences in power? We argue that the diverse perspectives of evolutionary, social learning, and embodiment theories all suggest that the association between verticality and power is relatively automatic and should, therefore, be visible in the portrayal of powerful and powerless individuals in the media. Four archival studies (with six samples) provide empirical evidence for this hypothesis and indicate that a salience power context reinforces this effect. In addition, two experimental studies confirm these effects for individuals producing media content. We discuss potential implications of this effect.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIS-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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