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Author(s): Likowski, Katja U.
Weyers, Peter
Seibt, Beate
Stöhr, Christiane
Pauli, Paul
Mühlberger, Andreas
Date: Jun-2011
Title: Sad and Lonely? Sad Mood Suppresses Facial Mimicry
Volume: 35
Number: 2
Pages: 101-117
ISSN: 0191-5886
Keywords: Mood state
Facial emotional expression
Facial mimicry
Information processing
Abstract: The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of happy and sad mood on facial muscular reactions to emotional facial expressions. Following film clips intended to induce happy and sad mood states, participants observed faces with happy, sad, angry, and neutral expressions while their facial muscular reactions were recorded electromyografically. Results revealed that after watching the happy clip participants showed congruent facial reactions to all emotional expressions, whereas watching the sad clip led to a general reduction of facial muscular reactions. Results are discussed with respect to the information processing style underlying the lack of mimicry in a sad mood state and also with respect to the consequences for social interactions and for embodiment theories.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Embargoed Access
Appears in Collections:CIS-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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