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Author(s): Raposo, O.
Nofre, J.
Date: 2024
Title: Cultural placemaking in the black suburbs of the tourist city
Journal title: Journal of Urbanism
Volume: 17
Number: 2
Pages: 169 - 189
Reference: Raposo, O., & Nofre, J. (2024). Cultural placemaking in the black suburbs of the tourist city. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 17(2), 169-189.
ISSN: 1754-9175
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1080/17549175.2024.2327583
Keywords: Informal street art tours
DIY parties
Racialized neighborhoods
People of African descent
Abstract: This article examines how non-institutional(ized) street art tours and DIY parties in two racialized, lower-class neighborhoods in the outskirts of Lisbon generate different results. In the neighborhood of Quinta do Mocho, these street art tours and DIY parties arise as playfulness and multicultural experiences of opening up the communities to local white middle-class visitors and tourists. In the neighborhood of Cova da Moura, these actions culminate in a cultural festival that celebrates African and Afro-diasporic cultures, promoting the visibility of the talented artists of the neighborhood. In both cases, positive representations about these territories are produced, linked to a strengthening of the sense of belonging to Quinta do Mocho’s and Cova de Moura’s communities. The article concludes by suggesting that non-institutional(ized) street art tours and DIY parties arise as pioneering actions toward challenging and decolonizing urban thinking on contemporary Lisbon.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIES-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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