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Author(s): Trigueiros, D.
Berry, R. H.
Editor: Robert R Trippi
Efraim Turban
Date: 1993
Title: Applying neural networks to the extraction of knowledge from accounting reports: A classification study
Book title/volume: Neural networks in finance and investing: Using artificial intelligence to improve real-world performance
Pages: 103 - 123
Reference: Trigueiros, D., & Berry, R. H. (1993). Applying neural networks to the extraction of knowledge from accounting reports: A classification study. Em R. R Trippi, & E. Turban (Eds.). Neural networks in finance and investing: Using artificial intelligence to improve real-world performance (pp. 103-123). Probus.
ISBN: 9781557384522
Keywords: Neural networks
Financial modelling
Predictors selection
Abstract: This study develops a new approach to the problem of extracting meaningful information from samples of accounting reports. Neural networks are shown to be capable of building structures similar to financial ratios, which are optimal in the context of the particular problem being dealt with. This approach removes the need for an analyst to search for appropriate ratios before model building can begin.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:ISTAR-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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