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Author(s): Rodrigues, A.
Filipe, J.
Editor: Kostas Rontos
José António Filipe
Paris Tsartas
Date: 2017
Title: Sky commons as a basis to explore the touristic potential of the Alqueva area (Portugal)
Book title/volume: Modeling and new trends in tourism: A contribution to social and economic development
Pages: 285 - 301
Reference: Rodrigues, A., & Filipe, J. (2017). Sky commons as a basis to explore the touristic potential of the Alqueva area (Portugal). EM K. Rontos, J. A. Filipe, & P. Tsartas (Eds.). Modeling and new trends in tourism: A contribution to social and economic development (pp. 285-301). Nova Science Publishers.
ISBN: 978-1-63485-920-2
Keywords: Turismo rural -- Rural tourism
Property rights
Sky commons
Sky observation
Cooperação -- Cooperation
Alqueva dark sky route
Abstract: This paper analyzes the use of an unpolluted night sky as the basis for the differentiation of a rural tourism destination. As it has been pointed out in other studies the use of the commons as part of the tourism offer may lead to situations of overuse and pollution. In the present case it is shown that by having awareness of the tourism potential of this common resource, stakeholders of the Alentejo Region joined efforts to mitigate all the sources of pollution. A resource that was being neglected has become in the center of preservation policies of local public authorities of this region.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:ISTAR-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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