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Author(s): Medeiros, E.
Editor: Gyula Ocskay
Date: 2020
Title: The EGTC as a tool for cross-border multi-level governance
Book title/volume: 15 years of the EGTCs: Lessons learnt and future perspectives
Pages: 145 - 168
Reference: Medeiros, E. (2020).The EGTC as a tool for cross-border multi-level governance. EM Gyula Ocskay (Eds.).15 years of the EGTCs: Lessons learnt and future perspectives (pp. 145-168). CESCI.
ISBN: 978-615-81265-1-9
Keywords: EGTC
Multi-level governance
Cross-border barriers
Cross-border spatial planning
European Territorial Cooperation
Cross-border cooperation
Abstract: Far from signalling the optimal organisational design and legislative framework for stimulating cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation processes across Europe, the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) affects various aspects of multi-level governance. In accepting this, this chapter discusses potential benefits of EGTCs as a tool to boost cross-border multi-level governance, based on the analysis of the EGTC implemented strategies. This chapter proposes a novel conceptual framework to classify cross-border EGTCs based on their contribution to reducing border barriers and increasing the: (i) strategic, (ii) intermediary and (iii) rogue type of territorial capital of the cross-border region. It concludes that only a few ongoing EGTCs have been effective enough to respond to the main territorial development issues faced by the cross-border regions they cover. In this context, the author suggests a strategic makeover of several EGTCs with a view to concentrating on specific, rather than generic, strategic policy goals. In particular, several EGTCs’ strategic foci should shift to reducing border barriers and promoting cross-border or transnational spatial planning.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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