DINÂMIA'CET-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais : [92] Collection home page

Esta colecção integra trabalhos que deram origem à publicação de capítulos em livros internacionais, da autoria de membros do DINÂMIA.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 92
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2025Lisbon’s phantom limb syndrome: Lineaments of spectral ethnographyPavoni, A.Book ChapterEmbargoed Access
2024Vertical restraints and labor markets in franchised industriesCallaci, B.; Pinto, S.; Steinbaum, M.; Walsh, M.Book ChapterOpen Access
2024Jürgen Habermas: Faktizität und GeltungGuibentif, P.Book ChapterOpen Access
2024Introduction: The complex transition of higher education graduates into the labour marketSuleman, F.; Videira, P.; Teixeira, P.Book ChapterOpen Access
2024Message in a bottle: Generation Y and wine purchase occasions’ perceived risks and information sourcesBrochado, A.; Rodrigues, H.; Mendes , S.Book ChapterEmbargoed Access
2019Taking modern legislation seriously: Agency rights as a special challengeGuibentif, P.Book ChapterOpen Access
2019Pierre Bourdieu und das Feld des Rechts: Leben einer unbequemen BeziehungGuibentif, P.Book ChapterOpen Access
2023Luhmann et la théorie critique: D’une rencontre imparfaite à un projet inachevéGuibentif, P.Book ChapterOpen Access
2024Colonial enterprises and urban design: Transnational knowledge, local agency, and the Diamond Company of Angola (1917–1975)Serrazina, B.Book ChapterOpen Access
2024Post-Covid symptoms in EU cross-border cooperationOcskay, G.; Guillermo-Ramírez, M.; Medeiros, E.; Peyrony , J.Book ChapterEmbargoed Access
2024Introduction to the evolution of new working spacesMariotti, I.; Tomaz, E.; Micek, G.; Méndez-Ortega, CBook ChapterOpen Access
2024New working spaces typologies beyond core citiesGato, M. A.; Haubrich, G.Book ChapterOpen Access
2022Drawing on time and formVieira de Almeida, RogérioBook ChapterOpen Access
2019The challenges of digital work in PortugalRebelo, G.; Roxo, M.Book ChapterOpen Access
2020Reinterpreting architectural description in drawings and literature of an early modern colonial city in IndiaGrancho, N.Book ChapterOpen Access
2014Luís Possolo: La stazione radio navale di Luanda e AngolaSaldanha, J. L. P. deBook ChapterOpen Access
2016Urban representation in photographic books: Emotional city mapping through the innocence of objectsPacheco, M.Book ChapterOpen Access
2019Toward sustainable and smart cities in Africa: A review and challengesDos-Santos, M. J. P. L.; Mota, M.Book ChapterOpen Access
2020Equitable food distribution and sustainable developmentDos-Santos, M. J. P. L.Book ChapterOpen Access
2020Value addition of agricultural production to meet the sustainable development goalsDos-Santos, M.J.P.L.Book ChapterOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 92