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Author(s): Walter, K. V.
Conroy-Beam, D.
Buss, D. M.
Asao, K.
Sorokowska, A.
Sorokowski, P.
Aavik, T.
Akello, G.
Alhabahba, M. M.
Alm, C.
Amjad, N.
Misra, G.
Monaghan, C.
Mora, E. C.
Moya-Garófano, A.
Musil, B.
Natividade, J. C.
Niemczyk, A.
Nizharadze, G.
Oberzaucher, E.
Oleszkiewicz, A.
Omar-Fauzee, M. S.
Onyishi, I. E.
Özener, B.
Pagani, A. F.
Pakalniskiene, V.
Parise, M.
Pazhoohi, F.
Pisanski, A.
Pisanski, K.
Ponciano, E.
Popa, C.
Prokop, P.
Rizwan, M.
Sainz, M.
Salkičević, S.
Sargautyte, R.
Sarmány-Schuller, I.
Schmehl, S.
Sharad, S.
Siddiqui, R. S.
Simonetti, F.
Stoyanova, S. Y.
Tadinac, M.
Correa Varella, M. A.
Vauclair, C.-M.
Vega, L. D.
Widarini, D. A.
Yoo, G.
Zaťková, M.
Zupančič, M.
Anjum, A.
Atama, C. S.
Duyar, D. A.
Ayebare, R.
Batres, C.
Bendixen, M.
Bensafia, A.
Bizumic, B.
Boussena, M.
Butovskaya, M.
Can, S.
Cantarero, K.
Carrier, A.
Cetinkaya, H.
Croy, I.
Cueto, R. M.
Czub, M.
Dronova, D.
Dural, S.
Duyar, I.
Ertugrul, B.
Espinosa, A.
Estevan, I.
Esteves, C. S.
Fang, L.
Frackowiak, T.
Contreras Garduño, J.
Ugalde González, K.
Guemaz, F.
Gyuris, P.
Halamová, M.
Herak, I.
Horvat, M.
Hromatko, I.
Hui, C.-M.
Jaafar, J. L.
Jiang, F.
Kafetsios, K.
Kavčič, T.
Kennair, L. E. O.
Kervyn, N.
Khanh, H. T. T.
Khilji, I. A.
Köbis, N. C.
Lan, H. M.
Láng, A.
Lennard, G. R.
León, E.
Lindholm, T.
Linh, T. T.
Lopez, G.
Van Luot, N.
Mailhos, A.
Manesi, Z.
Martinez, R.
McKerchar, S. L.
Meskó, N.
Date: 2021
Title: Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios
Journal title: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Volume: 288
Number: 1955
Reference: Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Duyar, D. A., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., ... Zupančič, M. (2021). Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1955), Article 20211115.
ISSN: 0962-8452
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1098/rspb.2021.1115
Keywords: Mate preferences
Sex ratio
Sex differences
Mating market
Abstract: A wide range of literature connects sex ratio and mating behaviours in non-human animals. However, research examining sex ratio and human mating is limited in scope. Prior work has examined the relationship between sex ratio and desire for short-term, uncommitted mating as well as outcomes such as marriage and divorce rates. Less empirical attention has been directed towards the relationship between sex ratio and mate preferences, despite the importance of mate preferences in the human mating literature. To address this gap, we examined sex ratio's relationship to the variation in preferences for attractiveness, resources, kindness, intelligence and health in a long-term mate across 45 countries (n = 14 487). We predicted that mate preferences would vary according to relative power of choice on the mating market, with increased power derived from having relatively few competitors and numerous potential mates. We found that each sex tended to report more demanding preferences for attractiveness and resources where the opposite sex was abundant, compared to where the opposite sex was scarce. This pattern dovetails with those found for mating strategies in humans and mate preferences across species, highlighting the importance of sex ratio for understanding variation in human mate preferences.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIS-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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