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Results 1-10 of 107 (Search time: 0.035 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2009Putting some order in person memory: Memory for (serial) order in impression formationCosta, Rui S.Doctoral ThesisOpen Access
9-Jan-2020Navigating social class in childhood: Development of intergroup relations and self-categorizationNovo, Maria Leonor dos Anjos Pereira da CostaDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
2009A influência da activação semântica do odor na percepção e julgamento socialLopes, Celia WubbenMaster ThesisOpen Access
16-Jul-2020Do Brazilian immigrant caregivers’ acculturation preferences predict the quality of their relationship with child primary health care professionals?Ahmetova, FatimaMaster ThesisOpen Access
18-Dec-2020Unveiling the consequences of prejudice against muslim women: How the hijab can influence islamophobia perception, acculturation preferences and well-beingRosa, Vanessa de OliveiraMaster ThesisOpen Access
17-Jul-2020“The Masked Other”: a comparative study on the representation of immigrants in Fox News during the Obama and Trump administrationDe Keulenaar, Anna ConstanzaMaster ThesisOpen Access
2-Mar-2020Homophobic bullying: intergroup factors and bystanders’ behavioral intentionsAntónio, Ana Raquel Bernardino Mota de JesusDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
30-Jul-2020Bem-estar e experiências turísticas na Região Autónoma da MadeiraMartins, Patrícia Raquel FernandesMaster ThesisOpen Access
21-Jul-2020Who is the most Kosovar?: the role of relative ingroup prototypicality in intergroup relations in KosovoShabani, GentaMaster ThesisOpen Access
27-Jul-2020Perceived discrimination and well-being of unaccompanied refugee minors: The role of ethnic identityBecker, Jamila PilarMaster ThesisOpen Access