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Author(s): Farinha, J.
Editor: Di Ruscio, D., de Lara, J., and Pierantonio, A.
Date: 2016
Title: Extending UML templates towards flexibility
Volume: 1694
Pages: 32 - 41
Event title: 2nd Workshop on Flexible Model Driven Engineering, FlexMDE 2016
ISSN: 1613-0073
Keywords: UML templates
Model verification
Abstract: UML templates are generic model elements that may be instantiated as domain specific solutions by means of parameterization. Some of the elements in a template definition are marked as parameters, implying that these must be sub-stituted by elements of the domain model, so to get a fully functional instance of the template. On parameter substitutions, UML enforces that the parame-tered element and its substitute must be of the same kind (both classes, both at-tributes, etc.). This paper shows that this constraint confines the applicability of templates and proposes an alternative that, by allowing substitutions among elements of different kinds, broadens that applicability. Cross-kind substitu-tions, however, require adequate semantics for the Binding relationship. Such semantics are proposed as model transformations that must complement the plain substitutions preconized by UML. Examples of such transformations are provided for activities in a template being expanded into a bound element.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:ISTAR-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais

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