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Author(s): Oliveira, M. J. DE
Sousa, J. P.
Costa, V. C.
Oliveira, S. M.
Mena, A.
Editor: Maria João de Oliveira e Filipa Crespo Osório
Date: 2017
Title: Musical morphogenesis - a self-organizing system
Pages: 235 - 245
Event title: Kine[SIS]tem - From Nature to Architectural Matter
ISBN: 978-989-8862-25-9
Keywords: Biomimicry
Abstract: We feel and seize the built environment through senses and body’s interactive movement. During this process, our mind and physical status is processing solutions and methods of integration and adaptation that enable us to integrate and live with and in our surrounding environment. In this paper, we provide an overview on “Musical Morphogenesis” interactive installation, which interacts through colour, light, movement and sound with the environment and its inhabitants. In addition, we intend to take visitors in a sensorial journey to explore the dynamic action of a network of genes during the development of an organism. Finding its roots in the Autopoiesis’ theory (Maturana & Varela 1980), “Musical Morphogenesis” acts and interacts as a self-producing system. This installation results from a multidisciplinary collaboration of six main scientific disciplines: complex systems, computational biology, music, architecture, robotics, and science communication. During the design and implementation of the installation’s components, the specificities of each discipline had to be taken into consideration, resulting in an extremely challenging project.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais
ISTAR-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais

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