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Author(s): Clemente, M.
Date: 2014
Title: La tratta di essere umani: tra immagini, miti e prospettive di ricerca e intervento
Volume: 48
Number: 192
Pages: 35 - 44
ISSN: 0011-1546
Keywords: Trafficking of human beings (THB)
Human trafficking
Sex trafficking
Trafficking for sexual exploitation
Abstract: In recent years, trafficking in human beings has attracted an increasing media attention and the activism of civil society, as well as the efforts of international and intergovernmental organizations. With the so-called Palermo Protocol trafficking has entered into the political agenda and legislation of many countries and the number of studies have increased. Nevertheless, after almost fifteen years from the Palermo Protocol, there seems to be a lack of knowledge of the problem and a broad consensus on what is meant when we speak of human trafficking. Meanwhile, its representation refers constantly to its epochal dimensions as well as to its continued growth, involving primarily women and children. The acceptance and reproduction of these myths, rather than their critical analysis, seems to prevail along with the sensationalism of violent narratives presented as typical cases, especially with reference to cases of trafficking for sexual exploitation. These narratives seem to respond to a deliberate intention to maintain media attention, government support and, more generally, financing activities which contrast trafficking and support the victims. The international research on this theme has focused in particular on the victim, leaving apart the traffickers, exploiters and middle men. The paper traces myths and images of human trafficking that characterize recent years, focusing also on the most recent research perspectives and policy responses to the problem in the so-called trafficking destination countries, where the raising of border controls and the increased controls of the sex industry, in the case of trafficking for sexual exploitation, seem to feed the problem.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIES-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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