Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/16922
Autoria: Stoleroff, A. D.
Vicente, M. A.
Data: 2018
Título próprio: Performance assessment and change in the academic profession in Portugal
Volume: 8
Número: 3
ISSN: 1893-1049
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.7577/pp.2291
Palavras-chave: Performance Assessment
Higher education
NPM reforms
Organizational change
Academic profession
Teachers union
Resumo: The introduction of a performance assessment model based upon the measurement of merit through explicit, standardized,and objective criteria of productivity has provoked significant changes in the academic profession within the public higher education in Portugal. Given that employment security was made con-tingent upon obtaining adequatepositive scores and promotion upon achieving max-imum scores, a new institutional culture framed by precariousness and competitionseems to have emerged. Moreover, asa consequence of austerity and with itthe freezing of the pay awards associated with a promotion, the positive effects of ex-cellent performance have been suppressed, while punitive measures for inadequate performance have been maintained. Based on ongoing qualitative research consisting of analysis of union position statements, interviews with union representatives,and interviews with academic staff of a Portuguese higher education institution, this article advances the hypothesis that evolutionhas taken place from resistance to routinization and acceptance of assessment procedures.
Arbitragem científica: yes
Acesso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece nas coleções:CIES-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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