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Author(s): Jalali, S. M. J.
Mahdizadeh, E.
Mahmoudi, M. R.
Moro, S.
Date: 2018
Title: Analytical assessment process of e-learning domain research between 1980 and 2014
Volume: 12
Number: 1
Pages: 43 - 56
ISSN: 1750-385X
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1504/IJMIE.2018.10008710
Keywords: E-learning
Burst detection algorithm
Text mining
Abstract: Applying some methods to reduce the time and expenditures of training is inevitable in existing circumstances. Many educational organizations have realized the importance of Electronic Learning (E-learning) and tried to use this approach in leveraging their academic classes. As research in E-learning domain has become one of the most important and interesting subjects, observation in emerging and fading trends of E-learning is a need for the scholars and industry professionals who are interested to study and work in the field. This paper has triggered the investigation and depicting of scientific trends in E-learning by using two scientometric methods named burst detection and clustering analysis. By applying two mentioned methods, the hot topics were identified in the field of E-learning.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CTI-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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