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Author(s): Incensi, F.
Soares, H.
Date: 2006
Title: On some positive embedding of P^d
Volume: 61
Number: 2
Pages: 371-383
ISSN: 0373-3505
Keywords: Positive embeddings
Formal equivalence
Unirational varieties
Abstract: We prove that any two embeddings P^d ∼ Y → X_1 , P^d ∼ Y → X_2 , d ≥ 3, in two n-folds projective varieties X_1 , X_2 with normal bundle N_{Y |X_1} ∼ X_{Y |X_2} ∼ (n − d)O_{P^d} (1) are formally equivalent. Moreover, we see that Y is G2 in both X_1 and X_2. As an immediate consequence of this result and if furthermore Y is G3 in both X_1 and X_2 then we deduce that the two embeddings are Zariski equivalent.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:BRU-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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