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Author(s): Martins, S. C.
Date: 2016
Title: Performance, organisation and inequality in education systems: an international comparison of the dynamics of schooling
Volume: 2
Number: 6
Pages: 374 - 382
ISSN: 2411-1821
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.18768/ijaedu.280565
Keywords: Comparative education
Educational inequalities
Educational expansion
Success and retention
Abstract: The aim of this article is to identify the main dynamics of education from a transnational and trans-regional perspective. It therefore takes a diachronic approach over a time span of more than half a century and consider the meanings of different categories in the process, in particular where age and gender are concerned. It also takes account of the weight of education and its dynamics and locations in social opportunities and their relationship with different types of inequality. The first interpretative axis focuses on the most significant moments of enlargement and relates them to inequalities in education. In spite of a gradual increase in access to and certification of education and training systems over more than half a century, we still find inequality in education and associated with other spheres, such as age/generation and gender, at regional and national level. The second analytical axis is on education systems’ ability to operate in these dynamics. We look at how they have been creating policies and cultures that offer incentives or, on the other hand, use dissuasive mechanisms that result in real difficulties in producing basic skills and sustainable learning paths enabling people to make their way in knowledge-based societies and economies. Finally, we also seek to establish a relationship between inequality and the fundamental guidelines in education systems. This relationship is reflected in the systems' performance and the integration and success of students of different social origins. The findings point to a relationship between education and life opportunities and the way in which education systems foster greater equity in the success and construction of school paths. The references and empirical sources used include the OECD, UNESCO, etc. They helped us to delve further into these issues and make comparisons between countries and regions, in diachronic perspective.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIES-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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