Browsing by Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Ação climática

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Showing results 159 to 178 of 324 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
17-Feb-2023Innovative business plan: Secu’roadJean-Joseph, VictorMaster ThesisOpen Access
24-Nov-2022Inovação verde nas PMEs inovadoras, em PortugalOliveira, Miguel MachadoMaster ThesisOpen Access
2017Integração arquitetónica de sombreamento solar otimizadoFortunato, V.; Rato, V.ArticleOpen Access
28-Nov-2023Integração da estação na cidadeCristina, Daniela PereiraMaster ThesisOpen Access
2021Inter-sectoral relations to accelerate the formation of technological innovation systems: determinants of actors’ entry into marine renewable energy technologiesBento, N.; Fontes, M.; Barbosa, J.ArticleOpen Access
2021Interconnected bureaucracies? Comparing online and offline networks during global climate negotiationsGoritz, A.; Jörgens, H.; Kolleck, N.ArticleOpen Access
2022International public administrations on Twitter: A comparison of digital authority in global climate policyGoritz, A.; Schuster, J.; Jörgens, H.; Kolleck, N.ArticleOpen Access
2021Internationale verhandlungen via Twitter? Möglichkeiten und herausforderungen der analyse von Twitter-Daten in den internationalen beziehungenGoritz, A.; Jörgens, H.; Kolleck, N.ArticleOpen Access
2023Investigação, tradição e inovação em arquitectura: O plano de salvaguarda do núcleo antigo de Sacavém, da metodologia à realidaded'Almeida, P. B.; Borges, J. C.; Marat-Mendes, T.Conference ObjectOpen Access
28-Sep-2023Investigating consumer perception of sustainable purchase: Examining correlations between food habits and innovationDrogo, RolandoMaster ThesisOpen Access
2015Investment in the infrastructure for hydrogen passenger cars – New hype or reality?Bento, N.Book ChapterOpen Access
2022Is health a just transition issue? cross-cutting multiple crisis: Economic, unemployment, climate and healthcareCamargo, J.Book ChapterOpen Access
2022Just Chill! An experimental approach to stereotypical attributions regarding young activistsFarinha, C.; Rosa, M.ArticleOpen Access
2020Land use intensity and land occupation of utility-scale photovoltaic power plants in continental PortugalTávora, J.; Cortinhal, M. J.; Meireles, M.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Le droit et les crises: Après la crise financière un chantier à ouvrir. Présentation du dossierGuibentif, P.; Kirat, T.OtherOpen Access
30-Oct-2023Lean & Green Initiative action plan for reducing greenhouse gases in the logistics of a pharmaceutical company: The case of Perrigo PortugalMartins, Maria Mariana de SáMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2017Levels of governance in policy innovation cycles in community education: the cases of education for sustainable development and climate change educationKolleck, N.; Jörgens, H.; Well, M.ArticleOpen Access
2011Lisbon territory from a morphological and environmental approach: lessons for a sustainable urban agendaMarat-Mendes, T.ArticleOpen Access
2022Lisbon urban allotments A twentieth century cartographic accountMarat-Mendes, T.; d'Almeida, P. B.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2016Lisbon’s womb: an approach to the city metabolism in the turn to the twentieth centuryNiza, S.; Ferreira, D.; Mourão, J.; Lima, P.; Marat-Mendes, T.ArticleEmbargoed Access