Browsing by Author Souto, N.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 65  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
20165G mobile challenges: A feasibility study on achieving carbon neutralityGonçalves, L. C.; Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.; Correia, A.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019An alternating direction algorithm for hybrid precoding and combining in millimeter wave MIMO systemsSouto, N.; Silva, J.; Pavia, J. P.; Ribeiro, M.ArticleOpen Access
2019Analysis of the interaction between THz waves and low cost plasma detectors for the development of stand-off imaging systemsPavia, J. P.; Ribeiro, M. A.; Sarikaya, C. K.; Altan, H.; Akbar, D.; Souto, N.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Application of a mesh free Monte-Carlo method to the analysis of dielectric slabs in electromagneticsRibeiro, M. A.; Pavia, J. P.; Souto, N.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Broadcasting scalable video with generalized spatial modulation in cellular networksCorreia, A.; Souto, N.; Sebastião, P.; Gomez-Barquero, D.; Fuentes, M.ArticleOpen Access
2020Capture of UAVs through GPS spoofing using low-cost SDR platformsGaspar, J.; Ferreira, R.; Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.ArticleOpen Access
2016Cellular for the skies: exploiting mobile network infrastructure for low altitude air-to-ground communicationsAfonso, L.; Souto, N.; Sebastião, P.; Ribeiro, M.; Tavares, T.; Marinheiro, R.ArticleOpen Access
2021Closed form solution for the valuation of deferred tax assetsSilva, J.; Souto, N.; Pereira, J.ArticleOpen Access
2017Design and implementation of an IoT gateway to create smart environmentsGlória, A.; Cercas, F.; Souto, N.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Design of a novel THz sensor for structural health monitoring applicationsPavia, J. P.; Ribeiro, M. A.; Sarikaya, C. K.; Akbar, D.; Altan, H.; Souto, N.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Design of a reconfigurable THz filter based on metamaterial wire resonators with applications on sensor devicesPavia, J. P.; Souto, N.; Ribeiro, M.ArticleOpen Access
2019Design of frequency selective devices for the THz domain with applications on structural health monitoringPavia, J. P.; Ribeiro, M. A.; Souto, N.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2017Development of a software platform to control squads of unmanned vehicles in real-timeSantos, N.; Raimundo, A.; Peres, D.; Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Effective GPS jamming techniques for UAVs using low-cost SDR platformsFerreira, R.; Gaspar, J.; Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.ArticleOpen Access
2006Effective radio resource management for multimedia broadcast/multicast services in UMTS networksSouto, N.; Soares, A.; Eusébio, P.; Correia, A.; Silva, J. C.ArticleOpen Access
2007Efficient channel estimation for OFDM systems with hierarchical constellationsSouto, N.; Dinis, R.; Silva, J. C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2017Efficient channel estimation using TCH codesLopes, B.; Catarino, S.; Cercas, F.; Souto, N.; Dinis, R.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2018Efficient MIMO detection for high-order QAM constellations in time dispersive channelsSouto, N.; Dinis, R.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2007Employing the block fourier algorithm for solving the LMMSE receiver equation under variable channel conditionsSilva, J. C.; Dinis, R.; Rodrigues, A.; Cercas, F.; Souto, N.; Jesus, S.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Extending 5G capacity planning through advanced subscriber behavior-centric clusteringGonçalves, L.; Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.; Correia, A.ArticleOpen Access