Browsing by Author Fasoli, F.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2020Auditory gaydar: perception of sexual orientation based on female voiceSulpizio, S.; Fasoli, F.; António, R.; Eyssel, F.; Paladino, M. P.; Diehl, C.ArticleOpen Access
2018The (female) graduate: choice and consequences of women’s clothingFasoli, F.; Maass, A.; Volpato, C; Pacilli, M. G.ArticleOpen Access
1-Oct-2020Gay Voice: stable marker of sexual orientation or flexible communication device?Daniele, M.; Fasoli, F.; António, R.; Sulpizio, S.; Maass, A.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2017Gay- and lesbian-sounding auditory cues elicit stereotyping and discriminationFasoli, F.; Maass, A.; Paladino, M. P.; Sulpizio, S.ArticleOpen Access
2018How do you self-categorize? Gender and sexual orientation self-categorization in homosexual/heterosexual men and womenFasoli, F.; Cadinu, M.; Carnaghi, A.; Galdi, S.; Guizzo, F.; Tassara, L.ArticleOpen Access
2024How voice transition and gender identity disclosure shape perceptions of trans men in the hiring processFasoli, F.; Frost, D. M.; Serdet, H.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2021Instagram sexualization: When posts make you feel dissatisfied and wanting to change your bodyGuizzo, F.; Canale, N.; Fasoli, F.ArticleOpen Access
2016Masculine self-presentation and distancing from femininity in gay men: an experimental examination of the role of masculinity threatHunt, C. J.; Fasoli, F.; Carnaghi, A.; Cadinu, M.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2023Migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees: Different labels for immigrants influence attitudes through perceived benefits in nine countriesGraf, S.; Rubin, M.; Assilamehou‐Kunz, Y.; Bianchi, M.; Carnaghi, A.; Fasoli, F.; Finell, E.; Sendén, M. G.; Shamloo, S. E.; Tocik, J.; Lacko, D.; Sczesny, S.ArticleOpen Access
2016Not “just words”: exposure to homophobic epithets leads to dehumanizing and physical distancing from gay menFasoli, F.; Paladino, M. P.; Carnaghi, A.; Jetten, J.; Bastian, B.; Bain, P. G.ArticleOpen Access
2022Predicting and changing attitudes toward same-gender parenting: Informational influence, parasocial contact, and religious fundamentalismHaji, R.; Fasoli, F.ArticleOpen Access
2020The social costs of sounding gay: voice-based impressions of adoption applicantsFasoli, F.; Maass, A.ArticleOpen Access
2018Voice and prejudice: the social costs of auditory gaydarFasoli, F.; Maass, A.ArticleOpen Access
1-Oct-2020Voice changes meaning: the role of gay- versus straight-sounding voices in sentence interpretationFasoli, F.; Maass, A.; Karniol, R.; António, R.; Sulpizio, S.ArticleOpen Access
2023Voice matters: Social categorization and stereotyping of speakers based on sexual orientation and nationality categoriesFasoli, F.; Dragojevic, M.; Rakić, T.; Johnson, S.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2017When characters impact on dubbing: the role of sexual stereotypes on voice actor/actress’ preferencesFasoli, F.; Mazzurega, M.; Sulpizio, S.ArticleOpen Access
2022When fluency matters: The interplay between categorization fluency and gender atypicality on gaydar judgmentsMasi, M.; Fasoli, F.ArticleOpen Access
2023When is self-labeling seen as reclaiming? The role of user and observer's sexual orientation in processing homophobic and category labels’ useSturaro, S.; Suitner, C.; Fasoli, F.ArticleOpen Access
2018Which partners are more human? Monogamy matters more than sexual orientation for dehumanization in three European countriesRodrigues, D.; Fasoli, F.; Huic, A.; Lopes, D.ArticleOpen Access
2023Who has a better auditory gaydar? Sexual orientation categorization by heterosexual and lesbian, gay and bisexual peopleFasoli, F.; Maass, A.; Berghella, L.ArticleOpen Access