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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2020Belt and road initiative (BRI) in Portugal: Progress and impactsMa, S.; Zhang, J.M.Book ChapterOpen Access
2015China's special economic zones in Africa: context, motivations and progressAntónio, N. S.; Ma, S.ArticleOpen Access
2016Control and commitment HR practices, job satisfaction and turnover intentions: a comparison between local and multinational firms in ChinaMa, S.; Silva, M.; Callan, V.; Trigo, V.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2018Development and validation of doctor-patient relationship scale in ChinaZeng, W. L.; Ma, S.; Gou, L.ArticleOpen Access
2015Do job positions matter in emotional labor and in its relationship with job performance?Ma, S.; Silva, M. G.; Trigo, V.; Callan, V.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2017Doctor-patient relationships (DPR) in China: managers and clinicians’ twofold pathways from commitment HR practicesMa, S.; Xu, X.; Trigo, V.; Ramalho, N. J. C.ArticleOpen Access
2020Emotional labor and emotional intelligence on job performance: comparison of public and private organizations in ChinaMa, S.; Silva, M. G.; Trigo, V.; Callan, V.Book ChapterOpen Access
2022Emotional well-being in COVID-19 mass quarantine: The role of personal response and life activity: A 14-day diary study in ChinaMa, S.; Zeng, W. L.; Borges, A.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, J.ArticleOpen Access
2022Exploring the doctor-patient relationship as a challenge job demand: application of the job demands–resources model in a Chinese public hospitalZeng, W. L.; Ma, S.; Callan, V. J.; Wu, L.ArticleOpen Access
2019General Practitioners' Turnover Intention and Related Factors in Pudong New Area,Shanghai during the Implementation of the "Eight Incentive Policies":a Cross-sectional SurveyLi, Y. Z.; Zhang, T.; Wang, H. X..; Zhao, Q. F.; Ma, S.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2023Group citizenship behaviour in healthcare organization, doctor‐patient relationship, work engagement and turnover intention: A moderated mediation modelZeng, W. L.; Ma, S.; Wu, L.; Wang, C.; Huang, Y.; Li, B.ArticleOpen Access
2023How involvement in COVID-19-related work changed nurses' job demands, job resources, and their associations with burnout: Evidence from ChinaWang, X.; Ma, S.; Liao, W.ArticleOpen Access
2021Impact of bullying on occupational commitment in young nursing professionals: the mediating role of emotional labour and emotional exhaustionMa, S.; Xie, W.; Ramalho, N.ArticleOpen Access
2018Impact of resident standardized training satisfaction and perceived organizational support on career commitment: a study of teachers of resident standardized training in ChinaZeng, W. L.; Ma, S.; Yu, Z. G.; Zhao, Y. W.ArticleOpen Access
2020The Influence of emotional labor and emotional intelligence on job performance: Does ownership type matter? A comparison of public and private organizations in ChinaMa, S.; Silva, M. G.; Trigo, V.; Callan, V. J.ArticleOpen Access
2011Internalization of China’s MBA education: failing to walk the talk?Ma, S.; Trigo, V.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2021Managing doctor-patient relationships and turnover intention in Chinese hospitals with commitment HRM: the moderating role of pragmatismMa, S.; Xu, X; Trigo, V.; Ramalho, N.ArticleOpen Access
2022Relationship between workplace ostracism and turnover intention among nurses: the sequential mediating effects of emotional labor and nurse-patient relationshipLi, G.; Ma, S.; Wang, G.; Wen, X.; Zhang, Y.ArticleOpen Access
2012The "country-of-origin effect" in employee turnover intention: evidence from ChinaMa, S.; Trigo, V.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2019Time-lagged study on psychological contract breach, perceived organizational support and turnover intention of general practitionersZhang, T.; Wang, H. X.; Li, Y.Z.; Zhao, Q. F.; Ma, S.ArticleOpen Access