Browsing by Author Filipe, J.

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Showing results 51 to 60 of 60 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2014The board’s attributes and their influence in company’s performance: a review over the recent literaturePereira, V.; Filipe, J.ArticleOpen Access
2013The homo neuroeconomicus: a window for the futureSilva, R.; Filipe, J.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2013The main Portuguese SAD's: comparative study between the economic and financial viability and the success of their sports clubsSilva, M.; Filipe, J.ArticleOpen Access
2014Tourism destinations and local rental: a discussion around bureaucracy and anti-commons: Algarve case (Portugal)Filipe, J.ArticleOpen Access
2014Tourism destinations: a methodological discussion on commons and anti-commons: the ‘Ammaia’ project’s locale impactFilipe, J.ArticleOpen Access
2019Towards entrepreneurial universities: barriers, facilitators, and best practices in Bulgarian and Portuguese universitiesYordanova, D.; Filipe, J.ArticleOpen Access
2019Understanding memorable enogastronomic experiences: A qualitative approachMadeira, A.; Cooreia, A.; Filipe, J.Book ChapterOpen Access
2015Unregulated high seas fisheries: the interlopers issueCoelho, M. P.; Filipe, J.; Ferreira, Manuel Alberto M.OtherOpen Access
2020Using the fuzzy linguistic computing in the evaluation of the value creation in an innovative productPedro, M. I.; Sarmento, M.; Silva, M.; Filipe, J.Book ChapterOpen Access
2021Water scarcity and sustainability in an emerging economy: a management perspective for futureZhang, D.; Sial, M. S.; Ahmad, N.; Filipe, J.; Thu, P. A.; Zia-Ud-Din, M.; Caleiro, A. B.ArticleOpen Access