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Author(s): Madeira, A.
Cooreia, A.
Filipe, J.
Editor: Antónia Correia
Alan Fyall
Metin Kozak
Date: 2019
Title: Understanding memorable enogastronomic experiences: A qualitative approach
Book title/volume: Experiential consumption and marketing in tourism within a cross-cultural context
Collection title and number: Advances in tourism marketing series
Reference: Madeira, A., Cooreia, A., & Filipe, J. (2019). Understanding memorable enogastronomic experiences: A qualitative approach. EM Antónia Correia, Alan Fyall, Metin Kozak (Eds.). Experiential consumption and marketing in tourism within a cross-cultural context. Advances in tourism marketing series. Goodfellow Publishers.
ISBN: 978-1-911396-97-0
Keywords: Produto alimentar -- Food product
Vinho -- Wine
Turismo -- Tourism
Memorable experiences
Abstract: The objectives of this chapter are to: - Introduce those factors that make a memorable enogastronomic experience for tourists visiting a destination; - Present qualitative findings that reveal that gastronomy and wines play a major role in the way that visitors experience a destination and indicate that some travellers would return to the same destination to savour its unique gastronomy.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:ISTAR-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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