Browsing by Advisor Mendonça, Sandro

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Showing results 49 to 58 of 58 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
18-Dec-2018Rumo à inovação: aplicação do Innovation Scoring 2.0 na Arsenal do Alfeite, SAOliveira, Adriana João FigueiredoMaster ThesisOpen Access
23-Nov-2018Sharing economy: exploring social media and bibliometric evidenceTomás, Bruno Miguel PereiraMaster ThesisOpen Access
19-Dec-2018SIBS: o impacto de uma infraestrutura dinâmica na sociedadeMarques, Bárbara GonçalvesMaster ThesisOpen Access
2012O sistema nacional de (eco-)inovação: mapear e medir o fenómeno em PortugalFernandes, Ana Isabel de Jesus CorreiaMaster ThesisOpen Access
10-Dec-2020Swift trust and behavioral change: facilitating factors of crowdsourcing in chronic disease preventionWu LinqiDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
3-Mar-2023The changing Chinese intellectual property landscape in the new era: Understanding the connections between corporate IP practices and business performance in ShenzhenZhou LinDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
27-Jul-2017The dilemma of intellectual property transaction and mechanism optimizing in ChinaKong JunminDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
17-Nov-2017The scientific performance of Portuguese pharmaceutical industry: a bibliometric analysisMartins, João Filipe dos Santos Lima CarneiroMaster ThesisOpen Access
2013Why qualified prospects decline timeshare sales presentations: A qualitative studyJohannsen, Mafalda GonçalvesMaster ThesisOpen Access
2013Wild cards: Surveying extreme changeSilva, Bruno Miguel OliveiraMaster ThesisOpen Access