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Author(s): Constantini, M.
Fragetta, M.
Melina, G.
Date: 2014
Title: Determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the EMU: an optimal currency area perspective
Volume: 70
Pages: 337-349
ISSN: 0014-2921
Keywords: Competitiveness gaps
Euro area
European monetary union
Optimal currency areas
Sovereign bond yield spreads
Abstract: In the light of the recent financial crisis, we take a panel cointegration approach that allows for structural breaks to the analysis of the determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in nine economies of the European Monetary Union. We find evidence for a level break in the cointegrating relationship. Moreover, results show that (i) fiscal imbalances - namely expected government debt-to-GDP differentials - are the main long-run drivers of sovereign spreads; (ii) liquidity risks and cumulated inflation differentials have non-negligible weights; but (iii) all conclusions are ultimately connected to whether or not the sample of countries is composed of members of an Optimal Currency Area (OCA). In particular, we establish (i) that results are overall driven by those countries not passing the OCA test; and (ii) that investors closely monitor and severely punish the deterioration of expected debt positions of those economies exhibiting significant gaps in competitiveness
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:BRU-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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