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Author(s): Cravo, J.
Almeida, F.
Abreu, P. H.
Reis, L. P.
Lau, N.
Mota, L.
Date: 2014
Title: Strategy planner: graphical definition of soccer set-plays
Volume: 94
Number: Part A
Pages: 110-131
ISSN: 0169-023X
Keywords: Data and knowledge visualization
Methodologies and tools
Graphical planning
Robotic soccer
Abstract: One of the research topics on multi-agent systems focuses on the development of mechanisms such as plans to empower a team of agents to cooperate in order to perform complex tasks. In many cases, the definition of these plans are based on a specific and rather complex grammar and stored in structured text files. In the context of the 2D simulated Robotic Soccer domain, a set-play language was proposed to coordinate the execution of teammates' behaviors to improve a team's overall performance. The process of manually writing set-play definitions is hazardous and can benefit from the use of a graphical tool to reach new users and allow typical users to become more productive. This work presents such a tool for which several experiments were run to measure its usability with forty two users by having them perform a set of tasks for which their execution time, number errors and satisfaction were recorded. The tool reduced the previous average time required to completely define a set-play by 90% and enabled even non-expert users to use it. Moreover, users were on average satisfied with SPlanner having ranked it with a score of 77 (out of 100) using a System Usability Scale questionnaire.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Embargoed Access
Appears in Collections:CTI-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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