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Author(s): Marques, Teresa Cristina de Novaes
Date: 2015
Title: As dívidas do açúcar na capitania de Pernambuco (século XVIII)
Pages: 313-324
ISBN: 978-989-98499-4-5
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.15847/cehc.prlteoe.945X026
Abstract: This essay examines the origin of sugar cane landlord’s debts in Pernambuco, in the XVIII century. It examines many implications of the disseminated indebtedness: the political ones, the patrimonial, and those that affected the families. It also investigates the way in which the philosophical thought of the physiocrats was appropriated by Portuguese thinkers in order to reflect upon the economic issues that concerned the Portuguese world.
O ensaio examina a origem das dívidas dos senhores de engenho de Pernambuco, no século XVIII, e examina as variadas implicações do quadro de endividamento disseminado: as políticas, as patrimoniais, as familiares. Examina-se também a apropriação do pensamento filosófico fisiocrata por letrados a fim de pensar as questões econômicas que afligiam o mundo luso.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CEHC-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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