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Author(s): Madeira da Silva, Teresa
Date: 2013
Title: From an explanation to interpretation in architectural designing
Keywords: Architectural
Architectural designing
Architectural pedagogy
Abstract: This article assumes that the formal analysis of architectural works (often used in project teaching), with a descriptive character is not sufficient for your understanding. The hypotheses depart from the approach of hermeneutic philosophy, assuming that the architectural work is an expression of the human being and therefore subject to interpretation. Unlike the scientific works that have a literal and univocal sense, the architectural places are prone to multiple interpretations. In this paper, architectural work is beheld from two perspectives: one, from the traditionally used perspective in project teaching, as an object abstractly considered in relation to the context in which it is interpreted and other, with the approach of hermeneutics, as a work resulting from human activity, and produced by someone who is inserted into a particular cultural community and in a particular historical situation. Our conclusion is that the hermeneutic dimension of interpretation thus exceeds explanation techniques of work in order to be situated in a human horizon of sense. We propose that the reading of architectural works should not be limited to the description of a certain reality, but rather give greater intelligibility to explicative schemes that have so far been found and used in project teaching.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-AC - Atas de congresso/Proceedings (organização, edição literária, ...)

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