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Author(s): Madeira da Silva, Teresa
Date: 2014
Title: Architectural Summer School Designing in times of scarcity: temporary uses in empty spaces
Collection title and number: 2
Keywords: Designing
Empty spaces
Abstract: Objectives This Summer School entitled: Designing in times of scarcity: Temporary Uses in empty spaces consists in a short course where learning of architecture is done through critical reflection, exploration and experimentation. Through concrete proposals for brownfields or empty spaces in Lisbon, this Summer School has as objective proposing temporary uses in places and territories identified as being unoccupied and abandoned. The Summer School will provide 7 days of intense activity of design work and discussions under the guidance of teachers from ISCTE-IUL and TUD. It will be open to students who wish to extend their abilities and techniques in the area of contemporary concepts of architectural design as well as contact and exchange with students from other universities. School participants will begin with a working group, identifying specific locations where to intervene, which implies touring and exploring the city. In a second stage, each group will propose programmatic references from the four references indicated that fit the selected place. Finally they will develop creative proposals that hinged together, provide a creative route for Lisbon and at the same time, contribute to the debate of ideas on issues of contemporary European cities.
Peerreviewed: Não
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-PD - Publicações didáticas

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