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Author(s): Marchal, Roland
Date: 2014
Title: What security threats in Chad?
ISBN: 978-989-732-364-5
Abstract: Chad made a point to send 2,000 of its best soldiers to northern Mali to support French troops. Idriss Déby, at the difference of his West African colleagues, did not wait for external funding to move troops and equipment. At least at the beginning the whole logistics of the Chadian contingent was under full Chadian control. The fact that those troops fought their battle with determination increased the respect and admiration Idriss Déby enjoys among French officers and even diplomats. How this is going to back fire internally is not yet clear, especially in the balance within the inner circle of the regime, the Zaghawa/Bideyat clan.1
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CEI-CLN – Capítulos de livros nacionais

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