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Author(s): Engelbert, Annika
Reit, Nina-Annette
Date: 5-Jun-2014
Title: Effective corruption control: implementing review mechanisms in public procurement in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Keywords: Public procurement
Review mechanisms
Abstract: Public procurement is highly affected by corrupt behavior due to its administrative complexity, financial volumes and close interaction between the public and the private sphere. Administrative and judicial review processes are primarily meant to control the compliance of procurement procedures with legal frameworks and involve bidders in prevention and detection of corruption. The study will analyze and compare three different public procurement review systems in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda with regard to their capacity to work as anti-corruption tool. A special focus will be laid on the issues of independence, accessibility and efficiency. To get further insights on implementation, findings of expert interviews with stakeholders involved in recent review proceedings will be presented.
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CEI-CLN – Capítulos de livros nacionais

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