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Author(s): Rodrigues, Cristina Udelsmann
Date: 2007
Title: Survival and Social Reproduction Strategies in Angolan Cities
Volume: 54
Number: 1
Pages: 91-105
ISSN: 0001-9887
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.2979/aft.2007.54.1.90
Keywords: Social Reproduction Strategies
Abstract: To survive and ensure social reproduction, families in urban Angola have developed strategies to meet the demands of daily life. The fundamental principles of these strategies are to concentrate and share resources among family members and their solidarity networks and, simultaneously, to disperse the sources and methods of generating and/or collecting these resources. Urban Angolans have proven that their efforts produce results beyond simple subsistence. The analysis of empirical data collected in Angolan cities has allowed a characterization of family strategies and an understanding of the wider motivations behind individuals’ and families’ efforts.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CEI-RI - Artigos em revista científica internacional com arbitragem científica

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